Import steps from json file
import_steps(rec, file, parallel = TRUE, workers = future::availableCores())
## Initialize the Recipe with a phyloseq object
rec <- recipe(metaHIV_phy, "RiskGroup2", "Species")
#> ── DAR Recipe ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Inputs:
#> ℹ phyloseq object with 451 taxa and 156 samples
#> ℹ variable of interes RiskGroup2 (class: character, levels: hts, msm, pwid)
#> ℹ taxonomic level Species
## Import steps
json_file <- system.file("extdata", "test.json", package = "dar")
rec <- import_steps(rec, json_file)
#> ── DAR Recipe ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Inputs:
#> ℹ phyloseq object with 451 taxa and 156 samples
#> ℹ variable of interes RiskGroup2 (class: character, levels: hts, msm, pwid)
#> ℹ taxonomic level Species
#> Preporcessing steps:
#> ◉ step_subset_taxa() id = subset_taxa__Boyoz
#> ◉ step_filter_taxa() id = filter_taxa__Charlotte
#> DA steps:
#> ◉ step_maaslin() id = maaslin__ChaSan
#> ◉ step_metagenomeseq() id = metagenomeseq__Zlebia
#> ◉ step_deseq() id = deseq__Linzer_torte
## If the json file contains 'bake', the Recipe is automatically prepared.
json_file <- system.file("extdata", "test_bake.json", package = "dar")
rec <-
recipe(metaHIV_phy, "RiskGroup2", "Species") |>
#> ! bakes found in imported recipe
#> ℹ running prep()
#> ── DAR Results ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Inputs:
#> ℹ phyloseq object with 101 taxa and 156 samples
#> ℹ variable of interes RiskGroup2 (class: character, levels: hts, msm, pwid)
#> ℹ taxonomic level Species
#> Results:
#> ✔ maaslin__ChaSan diff_taxa = 86
#> ✔ metagenomeseq__Zlebia diff_taxa = 69
#> ✔ deseq__Linzer_torte diff_taxa = 53
#> ℹ 46 taxa are present in all tested methods
#> Bakes:
#> ◉ 1 -> count_cutoff: NULL, weights: NULL, exclude: NULL, id: bake__Trdelník
#> ℹ Bake for count_cutoff = 3
#> # A tibble: 46 × 2
#> taxa_id taxa
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Otu_96 Prevotella_copri
#> 2 Otu_102 Prevotella_sp_AM42_24
#> 3 Otu_340 Holdemanella_biformis
#> 4 Otu_332 Catenibacterium_mitsuokai
#> 5 Otu_108 Prevotella_sp_CAG_520
#> 6 Otu_115 Alistipes_finegoldii
#> 7 Otu_119 Alistipes_putredinis
#> 8 Otu_45 Slackia_isoflavoniconvertens
#> 9 Otu_82 Barnesiella_intestinihominis
#> 10 Otu_113 Prevotella_stercorea
#> # ℹ 36 more rows